俄亥俄州获得了赌场开放批准,迎来了一个崭新的发展时代,而开放的标志之一就是赌场急需扩招工作人员。许多赌场已经对外发布了招牌信息,并j积极帮助人们办理工作岗位申请。Horseshoe赌场计划3月份在New Cleveland开放,仅仅4天就有16000人发来求职申请,而赌场只发布了750个职位的职位空缺,这意味着为每个岗位的竞争是激烈的。
好消息有国家的批准,New Cleveland以后将会建设更多的赌场。2009年11月,在俄亥俄州选民的支持下,国家批准在俄亥俄州建设4个赌场。Horseshoe赌场将提前两个月开放。该公司已从本地克利夫兰地区雇用了90%的劳动力,他们说他们可以完成的所有计划目标。
“由于求职申请人数众多,赌场不得不利用全国各地的员工审查求职申请。”Horseshoe赌场的母公司 Rock Gaming发言人珍妮弗如此表示。Rock Gaming公司的所有者是吉尔伯特,NBA球队克里夫兰骑士队的老板。
New Cleveland赌场赌场招牌情况同样火爆,目前已经开始第二轮赌场招牌。在9月,New Cleveland赌场有600个职位空缺,在一个月内就12,000人申请。仅有600名申请者被录取,目前正在接受在职培训。New Cleveland赌场还有750个职位空缺。申请人是否能获得工作机会,取决于他们在培训期间的表现。
New Cleveland Casino Bombarded With Job ApplicationsIn a sign of the times, a casino that will soon open in Ohio was bombarded with so many job applications that they had to take down many of the job postings and enlist outside help to go through the applicants. The Horseshoe Casino, which is scheduled to open in Cleveland in March, received job applications from 16,000 people in only four days. The casino posted job openings for 750 positions, meaning the competition for each job is stiff.
The good news is that there will be more casinos on the way in the state. In November 2009, Ohio voters approved four casinos in the state. The Horseshoe Casino will be the first two open. The company has a goal of hiring 90% of its workforce from the local Cleveland area, which they say they think they can accomplish.
Due to the high volume of applicants, the casino took down half of the postings and is “utilizing employees all across the country to review applicants,” said Jennifer Kulczycki of Rock Gaming, the parent company of the casino. Rock Gaming is owned by Dan Gilbert, the owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers NBA team.
This is the second round of job postings for the Cleveland casino, which also received a massive response the first time. In September, the casino posted 600 job openings and had 12,000 applicants within a single month. The 600 applicants selected are currently receiving job training. Of the 750 that are hired this time, they will be given a conditional job offer that is contingent upon their performance during the training period.